Prayers for guidance
Prayers for guidance

prayers for guidance

  • He invites us to be still and know that He is God ( Psalm 46:10 ).
  • He invites us to turn our worries into prayers ( Philippians 4:7 ).
  • He invites us to cast all our anxiety on Him ( 1 Peter 5:7 ).
  • He promises that if we ask, we will receive, that if we seek, we will find, and that if we knock, the door will be opened to us ( Matthew 7:7-8 ).
  • Because you can! It’s pretty awesome to be able to regularly talk with the Creator of the universe.
  • Here are some other reasons why we should talk to God daily. Good news! We are encouraged to come boldly to the throne of grace-to pray boldly before God-“that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 NIV. We need grace-grace to help in times of need. Not only do we get to develop our relationship and intimacy with God, but we also get to share our needs with Him.

    prayers for guidance

    Why is it so important that we talk to God daily? Or even at all? A conversation that may not always change your circumstances, but that always changes you. Prayer is an ongoing conversation with God. Sure, we can absolutely come to Him when we need something.

    prayers for guidance

    That’s the kind of connection we can have with God. When we talk to other trusted people in our life, we usually talk quite naturally, jumping from one topic to another, or we spend hours geeking out over the details of our favorite topic, reveling in the feeling of being understood and loved. Can you imagine if you did that to your spouse or a dear friend? What a downer! It wouldn’t feel very much like a conversation. And yet, when we come before God, we often present Him with a list of things we want-like a grocery list. Prayer is our opportunity to get to know the God who created us, sustains us, and loves us. It can be tempting to sometimes treat prayer like a wishlist or another thing to check off your to-do list. Prayer brings us hope, making every prayer a prayer for strength. Sometimes, other people, even people who love us dearly, can misunderstand us or leave us frustrated, but God knows us completely. When you speak, you speak freely, without fear of being misunderstood or shamed. When you listen, you listen for the voice of a trusted friend and heavenly Father. You listen (the best part)-and you know you are being listened to (also the best part). We hear this so often that we often miss its simplicity. Prayer is a two-way conversation with God. Here’s a quick guide so you can jump around. We’ve put together some resources that may help you discover why we pray, how you can pray, and some prayers for strength, hope, stress, and everything else you need. That’s okay! Prayer is simply a conversation with God. Maybe you’re just unsure of where to start. Maybe the idea of praying out loud has you panicked. Whether you’re new to prayer or have been praying your whole life, it can sometimes feel overwhelming figuring out where to begin.

    Prayers for guidance